Please text (858) 522-0552, we may have room if you cannot book.
Using Sound to Begin Healing Loss/Grief
Sab, Hul 22
|The Studio - Suite 115
We hope that this invitation may help people release energy that they may be carrying with them but are not yet ready to ‘unpack’ their loss/grief in a full workshop.

Oras at Lokasyon
Hul 22, 2023, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
The Studio - Suite 115, 10981 San Diego Mission Rd, San Diego, CA 92108, USA
Tungkol sa Event
We recognize that our western society often responds to grief by telling each other that you should "get over" your loss and grief after a period of time. However, those of us that have experienced loss/grief find it difficult to "get over" it and silently carry the pain and hurt of the loss/grief.
Energetically, loss/grief may get trapped in the body where we may experience physical pain and/or emotional pain resulting in the inability to fully participate in relationships and/or other life activities. Your Practitioners will be using various sound healing instruments to facilitate sound healing and immersing participants in a ‘bath’ of sound. We understand that dedicating time to be in the headspace of loss/grief is something that is often avoided due to various reasons, including not wanting to be vulnerable in a group, not wanting to ugly cry, not feeling that "my" grief is "worthy" of addressing compared to someone else's grief (loss of an elderly parent/pet/job/relationship vs loss of a child).
This workshop is a safe and supportive space where you have an opportunity to privately and individually participate in the workshop yet be in a group setting with others that are also looking to heal their loss/grief. We understand that you may not be ready to be in a group setting to openly discuss and process your loss/grief and we hope that this workshop bridges the gap on your healing journey between avoiding accessing your loss/grief to healing and being in a space where your ready to formally process your feelings and experience with loss/grief.
Is this different than a sound bath and what is the intention?
Our intention is to guide you through a series of activities that will support you in releasing energy blocks, resistance, and or stagnation that has prevented you from being fully engaged in life or building deep connections with those you love. These activities are intented to clear a path for you to experience more energetic freedom, expression, acceptance, and reconciliation.
Sample of activities:
- Guided Meditation,
- Vocal toning,
- Sound healing,
- Inner work (not required to share): written and journaling exercise(s)
Notes about the Studio:
- For your event, the Studio will have mats and a blanket, however, please feel free to bring your own. You can lay yours on top of what the Studio provides for extra padding.
- As part of the Practitioners energetic preperation of the space and themselves, they burn sage, palo santo, incense and/or diffuse essential oils. The scent will be noticeable when you enter the space, however will dissipate.
- If you have had or currently expereince seizures, please check in with your medical professional to make sure that it is OK for you to be in an environment where instruments emit certain frequencies, including binaural beats.
- If you are pregnant, same as the information as above for those with seizures, please check in with your medical professional to make sure that it is OK. We know of Practitioners that have played while pregnant and have not expereinced any adverse events, however, we want for you to make that decision.
What to bring, and other suggestions from Past participants:
- Bring a favorite blanket, or other covering to wrap around you while you are receiving sound healing
- You are given a journal and, but bring your favorites if you prefer
- Just show up - that is the hardest part, but once you are here, it is a safe place to access your loss/grief
Mga Ticket
Sound Healing - Loss & Grief
$99.00+$2.48 Bayad sa serbisyoTapos na ang sale